Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Birthday

If I could choose, I know exactly what I would want for my birthday tomorrow.

It would have to be a kitten. Something that I could pick out to be my very own companion. I'm a dog person too, but with all the things going on in my life right now, a kitten would be better suited for me.
But, because I do not live on my own, and instead with my parents who will not allow cats, I can't have a kitten. I want one so badly, though...
My horse, Apache, does not live at my house. He lives at my uncle's house in a pasture that he loves very much. He is a perfect companion, but it is so hard to visit him every day...so he can't be there for me as much as I would like (look at me, talking about animals as if they are people. I am such an animal lover). My uncle lives on a farm, so he also has some cats. There are two kittens right now, and I would love it so much if I could take one home with me. It would mean so much.

But, I suppose that it will have to wait. I will be so happy when it is possible, because I would really like to cuddle with a cat of my own. Even now, as I write this blog post in order to keep my sanity under control, I would love to have a sleeping kitten on my lap.

I'll get one someday. And I think that I will call him Lynx :) and if I was fortunate enough to get two, I would call the other one Persian. Lynx and Persian...

I know that I said I was taking a break, but this somehow feels nice. This...blogging as if nothing is wrong thing. How pathetic. But, I don't mind.

Signing off. Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, I want you to have a kitten<3
    Your birthday is tomorrow?? Awww! :D
