Friday, September 30, 2011

I've Got A Lot To Learn About Kindness

and about those who give it more freely than I do.

I've got a lot to learn about many things.
And a small lifetime to learn it.

Lets go

Sunday, September 25, 2011

"You put your arms around me and I'm home"

Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe this is all wrong.

Maybe I'm stupid.
Maybe I'm ignoring all the signs.
Maybe I'm selfish.
Maybe I'm blinded by the feelings and emotions I see in your eyes.

Maybe I need you.

Truthfully, I couldn't love you more than I do.
When I see your sleeping figure.
When I see your smiling face.

"You put your arms around me and I'm home."

And I love us.
All of it.
And I'm never giving up.

Friday, September 23, 2011

I am at Peace

Despite it all

I am at peace.

All it takes is a little faith in Him.
Can't you understand that?
Can't you help yourself?
He can help you.

Understand that you need Him, and then you will understand that you cannot control anything. You can understand that it is all part of a beautiful plan. And when that plan is fulfilled and you have left this will be Happy. Content. Loved.

I am at Peace
Despite it all.

Monday, September 19, 2011


I've become obsessed.

I love tumblr. I love all the beautiful wonderful photos and posts and words and everything that I find on there. I love keeping it with me in my little "archives" and going and looking back at it when I need the most inspiration.

I love it all :)

That is all <3

Friday, September 16, 2011

If You're Down...

Watch Beauty and the Beast.
Do it.
Trust me.

Disney movies ALWAYS make me cry now that I watch them when I'm older. It's kind of unbelievable.

But, I love it.

If Beauty and the Beast isn't your thing, try a different Disney movie.

You won't regret it <3

Monday, September 12, 2011

I'm in a Contest

and I would love it if you would vote for me :)

I'm having a hard is turning out to be way more expensive than I once thought, and the place where I work has kinda cut my I can't even really afford anything right now. This is just a fun way to gather up more money into my savings and it would just be really fun to win something :)

I would love it so much if you would vote for me <3 It would mean more to me than you know...and it's super easy! Just go to this link: and vote for my photo "Music is Life" It is a favorite of mine :)

thank you so much.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Rhythm of Love

Sometimes, I love to listen to this song and dance around my house <3
Happy Day :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Broken Little Heart

I have so many thoughts rushing...
through my entire body.
Especially through my heart.
Which hurts.
Like hell.

Why do we hurt one another?
We're selfish...
I find it so hard to understand the actions of people.
Including myself.

I'm hearing about all these people...all my friends' parents...getting a divorce? Unfaithfulness? Abuse? Lies?

True love being a lie?


Why would this happen? How could someone recover from such hurt from the person they love most in this world and have committed themselves to?

Why would someone lie?
To protect a naive, innocent stupid girl?
...i can't help it.

Let's make a pact.
To do as much goodness as we can.
Maybe we can help make up for the bad...
Maybe we can heal :'(

To my friends
From a broken little heart.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Tomorrow is September 2, 2011...

3 years.

Document my feelings.
I'm happy.
Should I be?
I'm not sure, but I think so :)

Maybe I'm the only one who will understand this.