Saturday, June 25, 2011

Growing Up...

I had to be there for my little sister last night…she fell and gashed her forehead and it was bleeding. I kind of  freaked out but I tried really hard to hide it because she was so scared and she kept whimpering. I had to hold a washcloth to her forehead and ended up getting blood on me. I’m so squeamish…I felt so helpless and weak.
Times like these…make me feel so small. I called my mom and she was home in ten minutes. I was praying the whole time. It wasn’t even that big of a deal; my sister will be alright (maybe a few stitches). But, it just makes me wonder if I’m ready for this adult stuff…I held my ground and didn’t cry or get sick…until after my mom took her away to the minor emergency room. Then, I hid in my closet and bawled my eyes out.
I have so much love for my sister, and hate to see her in pain. It’s so hard to be strong in times like these…but I knew that I had to be. For her.
Too much thinking. Lots of Praying. Much to learn.
(Image below is not mine. I "Google Searched" it.)
This song: <3 Listen
The Cave

1 comment:

  1. Danie, you will be a marvelous parent. Just pray to Mary and Joseph. They did raise a God after all.
