Saturday, October 8, 2011


wan·der·lust/ˈwändərˌləst/ Noun: A strong desire to travel

This is what has consumed me the past few days/weeks/months. I haven't had much time for myself to develop lately. I have just found myself in a rut that I can't seem to get out of. A rut of homework and school and trying to make a living in this world dependent of money.
I need a small vacation. I need to get up, get dressed, grab my camera and go. I need to find a Kansas map, point a direction, and drive until I find the desire to stop. 

I need to discover
I need to transform
I need to shoot something!
All for myself

I think I'll gather together a group of people who I love and who I want to get to know. I think I'll plan something for once. I'll do something way out of my comfort zone.

And maybe, I'll figure myself out.